

Bolivians resume daily life next to a sign reading "We want peace" in a street of La Paz Bolivians resume daily life next to a sign reading "We want peace" in a street of La Paz  

Evo Morales in Mexico

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales is starting his political exile in Mexico, which has accepted his request for political asylum, following his resignation. James Blears reports that it`s open to doubt whether he`ll be contesting the next Presidential Election back home.

By James Blears

Evo Morales is promising that he`ll return to Boliva with more strength and energy, both of which seem to be at a low ebb right now.

But runner up from the October Presidential Election Carlos Mesa, who`s himself a former President has publically stated that Evo Morales should NOT stand as a Candidate in the next one.

There`s been controversy about the up to now ruling Socialist Party getting the Constitution amended so Morales could run for a fourth consecutive term, which he won. But an Election Audit done by the Organization of American States revealed widespread irregularities, adding to the pressure of turbulence brought about by widespread protests.

Then General Williams Kaliman who`s Head of the Bolivian Army, suggested to Evo Morales that he should should step down immediately.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who`s a fellow leftist has stepped up by offering a safe haven via political asylum for Evo Morales. It`s not yet clear if or when he`ll be able to return to the country he governed for fourteen years as its first indigenous President.

Listen to the report by James Blears

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12 November 2019, 17:28