

Jerusalem - holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Jerusalem - holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims. 

Holy See reaffirms two-state solution to Israeli-Palestine problem

A prominent Palestinian authority calls the Vatican Secretary for Relations with States "to inform the Holy See about recent developments in the Palestinian territories".

By SA国际传媒

The Holy See has once more reiterated the two-people, two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem for peace in the Holy Land.

A statement by the Holy See Press Office on Wednesday said that the Chief Palestine negotiator and Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Saeb Erekat, called the Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher. 

Erekat called to “inform the Holy See about recent developments in the Palestinian territories and of the possibility of Israeli applying its sovereignty unilaterally to part of those territories, further jeopardizing the peace process”.

In this regard, the Press Office said, “The Holy See reiterates that respect for international law and the relevant United Nations resolutions, is an indispensable element for the two peoples to live side by side in two States, within the borders internationally recognized before 1967.”

“The Holy See is following the situation closely, and expresses concern about any future actions that could further compromise  dialogue.”   

The statement concluded saying that the Holy See hopes that “Israelis and Palestinians will be soon able to find once again the possibility for directly negotiating an agreement, with the help of the International Community, so that peace may finally reign in the Holy Land, so beloved by Jews and Christians and Muslims”.

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20 May 2020, 14:14