

Pope at Regina Coeli: Have faith in the Risen Christ

On the second Sunday of Easter, Pope Francis emphasises the transformative power of encountering the risen Jesus, urging believers to embrace faith, prayer, and love and spread Easter joy.

By Francesca Merlo

Pope Francis opened his Regina Coeli address on Sunday, 7 April, by noting that the second Sunday of Easter, was dedicated by Saint John Paul II to Divine Mercy.

On this occasion, he said, the Gospel tells us that, by believing in Jesus, Son of God, we can have life in His name. “To have life: what does it mean?" asked the Pope.

To have life

The Holy Father explained that each of us wants to "have life", but that there are various ways of doing so.

"There are those who reduce existence to a frenetic race to enjoy and possess many things", said the Pope, describing this as a road that "at first seems pleasurable", but that "does not satiate the heart". This, therefore, is not the correct path to take to "have life" as it does not lead to happiness.

Fullness is found in Jesus

Pope Francis went on to note that today the Gospel says that this fullness of life, to which every one of us is called, is realised in Jesus. "But how can one gain access to it, how can one experience it?", he asked.

Having life, the Pope continued, means "fixing one's eyes on the crucified and the risen Jesus, encountering Him in the Sacraments and in prayer, recognising that He is present, believing in Him, letting oneself be touched by His grace and guided by His example, experiencing the joy of loving like Him. Every living encounter with Jesus enables us to have more life".

Finally, the Pope invited the faithful to ask themselves: "Do I believe in the power of the resurrection of Jesus, in His victory over sin, fear and death? Do I let myself be drawn into a relationship with Him? And do I let myself be prompted by Him to love my brothers and sisters, and to hope every day?"

He concluded by imploring the Virgin Mary to give us faith in the risen Jesus, to “have life” and to spread the joy of Easter.

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07 April 2024, 12:06