

Pope Francis greets the faithful as he arrives in Assisi Pope Francis greets the faithful as he arrives in Assisi 

Pope Francis arrives in Assisi to take part in Economy of Francesco

The papal helicopter has taken Pope Francis to Assisi where he is participating in the the final portion of the 3-day Economy of Francesco event, which has seen brilliant young minds gather to work towards solving some of the world's biggest problems.

By Francesca Merlo - Assisi, Italy

Pope Francis landed in Assisi on Saturday morning, where he is attending the final day of the Economy of Francesco.

The three-day event has seen young economists and entrepreneurs gathered from over 120 countries across the globe.

These 1,000 minds have joined forces over the last few days to follow in the footsteps of Pope Francis, who in turn follows in those of Saint Francis, to find solutions to some of the world's biggest problems.

Return to the 'village'

Over the course of the event, depending on the young people's competencies, each person took part in a different, so-called, village.

These were dedicated to different topics - from agriculture to poverty and from women to emissions and inequality - each theme was discussed thoroughly with innovative and sustainable ideas to better the world for generations to come. 

The final event on Saturday includes an address by Pope Francis and testimonies from some of the young people attending, which the Holy Father will listen and reply to in turn. 

The Economy of Francesco is a response to the Holy Father's call, made in 2019, for young people to join together, as the strength of humankind - an opinion he has often expressed, in his appeal for their protection and growth. 

After the Holy Father's meeting with the young people, they will gather again in groups in the afternoon for the event's final push, before parting ways and taking what they've learned back to their respective countries.

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24 September 2022, 09:36