

Young Timorese Catholics in Dili Young Timorese Catholics in Dili  (AFP or licensors)

Young people in Timor-Leste are overjoyed by Pope’s visit

According to National Youth Commission Ricardo Da Costa Belo, the Pope’s visit to Timor-Leste could have a long-term impact on young people in the Asian nation also facing youth violence and crime.

By Fr. Bernardo Suate and Lisa Zengarini - Dili

Pope Francis’ visit to Timor-Leste could leave a long-term positive mark on young people , especially Catholics, and on society at large in Timor-Leste,  says Ricardo Da Costa Belo. The semi-island nation is facing several social problems,  including youth crime and violence, but with the papal visit this violence seems to have given way to  an overwhelming enthusiasm, Mr. Da Costa Belo,  a member of the National Catholic Youth Commission,  told SA国际传媒.  

Many challenges for young people in Timor-Leste

Speaking to  Fr. Bernardo Suate,  he explained that especially young people in Timor-Leste face many challenges starting from lack of access to education and violence.

Enthusiasm over Pope’s visit  

However, they have shown great enthusiasm for Pope Francis’ visit, as seen at his arrival on 9 September in Dili. ”Most of the people pouring in the streets to welcome him were young Catholics, who make up the majority in the Church in this overwhelmingly Catholic nation, ” Da Silva Belo said. 

Many Catholic youths are actively involved in Church life and take part in parish  and missionary activities. “They were really excited and some were even moved when the Pope arrived," said Mr. Da Silva Belo . 

Also youth violence  and crime have  decreased, he added. “We hope that this positive atmosphere will last and that peace and stability may continue in our society and also in our local Church.”

Listen to the interview

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10 September 2024, 17:00