

Catholic father Raul Zamora who helped negotiate a truce between opposition groups and the government shows his solidarity with students Catholic father Raul Zamora who helped negotiate a truce between opposition groups and the government shows his solidarity with students 

Nicaragua's bishops call for a return to peace talks amid lethal violence

The Nicaraguan Bishops' Conference, is urging both entrenched sides, to return to the Peace Talks Table, following more violence in which an 18 month old baby boy has been shot dead.

By James Blears

The tragedy happened when Security Forces open Fire on protesters in the Capitol Managua. Four people have died there, including the toddler.  The overall death toll, during the two months of protets is now more than 200, with hundreds more wounded or under arrest. 

Church mediatated talks to resolve the crisis, again broke down earlier this week.  The hope and the aim is to bring forward elections sheduled for 2021 to right now.  The Church is trying to get the two sides back together by Monday. 

The crisis started when the Government announced increases in social security payments, but simultaneously said pension payments would be slashed.  The protests have now deepened, with the Oppostion Civic Alliance demanding the resignation of President Daniel Ortega and his Wife Rosario Murillo, who's Vice President. 

Listen to James Blears' report

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24 June 2018, 17:26