

St. Paul’s Catholic Seminary – Sowutuom, Accra in Ghana St. Paul’s Catholic Seminary – Sowutuom, Accra in Ghana 

Evangelizing the Internet is a reality that the Church needs to take seriously

The St. Paul’s Catholic Seminary at Sowutuom-Accra, in the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra, Ghana, celebrated the benefactors of the Seminary for their contributions towards the sustenance of the formation of future priests with a thanksgiving Mass and a fundraising session.

Gabriel Asempa Antwi - Accra.

Benefactors, including individuals, families, societies, groups, formators, and seminarians, participated in the well-attended Mass, which was animated by lively medleys from the Seminary Choir.

Called to the Church’s evangelizing mission 

Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD, of the Diocese of Ho and the Vice President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference acknowledged and commended the benefactors for their unwavering support, contributions, and professional assistance to the Seminary over the years.

The Bishop said that as branches of the true Vine, Jesus Christ, every Christian, especially the seminary benefactors, must play an invaluable role in executing the Church’s evangelizing mission.

While entreating Christians to remain attached to the True Vine at all times in order to bear good fruit, Bishop Fianu encouraged the Benefactors to continue supporting the formation of future Priests. 

As part of the Mass, a minute of silence was observed in memory of all deceased benefactors.

Appreciation for the Seminary’s benefactors

The Acting Rector of the Seminary, Fr. Joseph Okine-Quartey, equally thanked and acknowledged benefactors for their generosity to the entire Seminary Community for the past 36 years the Seminary has been in existence. 

He mentioned some of the projects the benefactors had supported, including the erection of the Divine Mercy Shrine, the Murals of the Stations of the Cross, the ongoing renovation of the Rectors’ bungalows, some classrooms, and the donation of food items. The Rector nevertheless appealed to benefactors for continued support to the Seminary Community.

Holy Mass at St. Paul’s Catholic Seminary – Sowutuom, Accra in Ghana
Holy Mass at St. Paul’s Catholic Seminary – Sowutuom, Accra in Ghana

Evangelizing the digital space 

Earlier, Bishop Fianu, a delegate at the Synod on Synodality of the Church in Rome, asked the faithful to continue praying for the Synod participants who will meet at the Vatican in October 2024.

The Bishop noted that the ongoing Synodal process is a time of grace through which God offers Catholics the opportunity to experience a new culture of synodality, capable of guiding the life and mission of the Church.

Creating good social media content

The prelate urged Seminarians and Christians —especially the youth— to be prudent and responsible about the content they share on the Internet and social media platforms.

“Evangelizing the Internet is a reality that the Church needs to take seriously,” he said. Adding that evangelizing the Internet means the Church should be keen on effectively engaging Internet and social media users with a coherent message of the Gospel.

He reiterated the need for the local Church, through the Social Communications Office, to coordinate and facilitate the creation of good content to be shared on these virtual platforms to promote the Church’s evangelization.

Furthermore, the local Church could also facilitate the networking of Content Creators to collaborate, share ideas, and develop standard guidelines for their work in the digital space.






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29 April 2024, 18:11