

Bishop Paride Taban, the emeritus of South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Torit. Bishop Paride Taban, the emeritus of South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Torit. 

South Sudan: Bishop Taban Eulogised as a Peace Advocate in a troubled region.

The recently deceased Bishop Paride Taban emeritus of South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Torit has been praised for his dedication to promoting peace and reconciliation in South Sudan, Africa’s youngest nation marred by perennial conflict.

Arnold Neliba, CISA – Nairobi.

A tribute shared by Pax Christi International, a global Catholic peace movement, recognised his efforts in the restoration of peace and cohesion through the founding of South Sudan's Holy Trinity Peace Village Kuron, a community that welcomes people from diverse ethnic backgrounds who have experienced conflict.

Holy Trinity Peace Village Kuron

This village, according to Pax Christi International, became a symbol of hope and healing.

“A bridge-builder, Bishop Paride Taban tirelessly advocated for dialogue, unity, and understanding, leaving an indelible mark on South Sudan and the world. His life’s journey was marked by a steadfast commitment to peace, and he leaves behind a legacy that continues to inspire us all to work for a world where peace and unity prevail,” the tribute reads.

According to Marc Stenger, the Bishop Emeritus of Troyes, France, and Co-President of Pax Christi International, Bishop Taban was an exemplary builder of peace and a tireless sower of hope, a great pioneer in a troubled era in his country.

“We honour his actions such as the creation of the peace village of Kuron and the mediation efforts that he carried out at the head of the New Sudan Council of Churches. His actions were full of the evangelical spirit of Jesus, in which the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative is well recognized,” he eulogised. 

A guiding light offering solace

Bishop Taban, the pioneer Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Torit and the first leader of the New Sudan Council of Churches (NSCC) died on 1 November in Nairobi following a long illness as announced by the Catholic Diocese of Torit. He was 87 years old.

“Throughout his memorable calling, he served as a guiding light offering solace, guidance and hope to all who sought his counsel. He was the founder of Holy Trinity Peace Village Kuron in 2000, to bring all South Sudanese of different backgrounds and ethnicity to live in peace and harmony as brothers and sisters," Bishop Emmanuel Bernardino Lowi Napeta of Torit said of his predecessor.

"He has been unwell for some time and the Good Shepherd called him on the Solemnity of All Saints,” reads an announcement by the Sudan-South Sudan Catholic Bishops conference.

The late Bishop Taban was ordained priest on 24 May 1964. He served as the auxiliary bishop of Juba from 28 January 1980. At 47 years, he was appointed pioneer Bishop of Torit, South Sudan, on 2 July 1983, a position he held till 7 February, 2004.

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05 November 2023, 10:07