

Tanzania: Bishops launch a national seminaries fund in Iringa. Tanzania: Bishops launch a national seminaries fund in Iringa. 

Tanzania: Bishops launch a special national fund to support the country’s major Seminaries.

As the number of vocations to the priesthood increases in Tanzania, seminaries need more resources to train students. The Bishops’ Conference has responded by setting up a special national fund.

Sarah Pelaji - Dar es Salaam.

This week, the Vice Chairperson of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) and Bishop of the Diocese of Geita Flavian Kassala led the country’s faithful in launching the special seminarian fund.

Iringa Diocese celebrates 125 years of Evangelization

The launch occurred in Tanzania’s Diocese of Iringa during the 125-year Jubilee Celebrations of Evangelization. Bishop Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa of Iringa Diocese also celebrated his golden jubilee of priesthood at the same ceremony.

In launching the special seminarians fund, Bishop Kassala was assisted by the National Board of Major Seminaries Chairperson, Bishop Joseph Mlola of the Diocese of Kigoma. 

Bishop Kassala explained that the Bishops thank God for the increase in priestly vocations in the Church of Tanzania and would like the faithful to participate in training seminarians through prayers and concretely by nurturing and supporting seminaries.

The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few

“Being led by the Holy Scriptures, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest’ (Lk. 10:2). Bishops need to have reliable internal resources to be able to meet the operating costs of the entire system of training tomorrow’s workers in the Lord’s vineyard,” explained Bishop Kassala. 

He continued, “We, your Bishops, have decided to start a special national fund to support our major seminaries, the Catholic Major Seminaries Sustainability Fund without affecting our other existing systems supporting the formation at the diocesan levels. Therefore, I officially introduce to you this fund and the guidelines prepared and approved by all the Bishops to achieve the goal which will benefit the Church of Tanzania and the world at large,” he said.

Tanzania: Bishops launch a national seminaries fund in Iringa.
Tanzania: Bishops launch a national seminaries fund in Iringa.

Bishop Kassala invited every baptised person and persons of goodwill to support the Church’s fundraising efforts through donations. He emphasised that the time had come for the Church of Tanzania to be self-sustaining. 

As times change and funds from traditional sources dwindle, seminarians’ training can no longer depend on grants from Rome or writing projects to international Catholic partners, said the Bishop of Geita.

The special seminarian fund is projected to generate TZs. 2.8 billion over the next three years (2023-2025).


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15 September 2023, 18:26