

Bishop Emmanuel Badejo, Oyo Diocese in Nigeria. Bishop Emmanuel Badejo, Oyo Diocese in Nigeria. 

At Easter, we all must rise up to a new life.

Easter is good news, no matter how bad things are around us says Bishop Emmanuel Adetoyese Badejo of the Diocese of Oyo, in Nigeria.

Bishop Emmanuel Adetoyese Badejo - Diocese of Oyo, Nigeria.

Easter Sunday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is good news, no matter how bad things are around us. Life overcomes death, good wins over evil and truth triumphs over the falsehood of sin. After 40 days of penance and fasting Easter calls us to live holy lives and pursue justice.  We must shun all the conspiracy, false witnessing, fake news, betrayal, character assassination and murder of Good Friday, so rampant in our world and embrace the truth, compassion, and forgiveness of Easter Sunday.

Reconciliation, No More Division 

Easter is the accomplishment of the mission of Jesus to reconcile the world to God. He died on the cross and resurrected for all, without discrimination.  Let us all therefore embrace the Easter message of reconciliation. Let us fight the falsehood and division which are destroying families, relationships, associations, parties and country and stop demonizing one another. The ethnic profiling, which makes other people look evil and undesirable is a sin against God and humanity. Jesus condemned sin but never the sinner. Let us emulate him at Easter.

Follow the Way of Jesus

File picture: Altar boys on Holy Saturday at a parish in Kenya.
File picture: Altar boys on Holy Saturday at a parish in Kenya.

At Easter we are called to follow the road Jesus travelled to his resurrection. He was fully obedient to God who sent him. He was focused on his mission. He went about doing good, he fed the hungry, opened the eyes of the blind, cured the sick, stood for justice and preached peace through forgiveness. He laid down his life in service to others. He said I have come to give life, life to the full (Jn 10:10). That is what all leaders must do. Same for all good citizens. If we all could obey God’s law written in our hearts and live like Christ our world would be paradise. 

A Better SA国际传媒 Is Possible

Easter reminds us that Jesus lived to serve others. (Mark 10:45). He washed the feet of his disciples, teaching them to love and one another. Easter calls us all to serve and restore, not destroy others, to remake and restore our world through a moral regeneration. Let us repair the decayed moral fibre of our country and our world which is evident today in terrorism, insurgency, abductions, domestic and social violence, betrayal of trust and abuse of power in public institutions and by public officials. I call on public officials to pursue truth and justice always. I call on all to resist those who spread tribalism, discrimination and hatred. Instead, let us live with mutual respect, forgiveness, and love. We all have a lot to gain if we do.

Never give up doing good

Jesus was betrayed, persecuted, punished, and crucified, yet he rose from the dead. Easter is a time to say, all hope is not lost and miracles are possible. It is therefore time for rejoicing, a time to reassure all who are doing good not to give up but to work harder. We shall overcome evil just like Jesus did!

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09 April 2023, 12:25